OisF Rider "Be A Ripple" Leadership Award

This monetary award will be given to a girl in The OisF community who is kind, courageous, civic-minded, and demonstrates exemplary leadership qualities, so that she can pursue her dreams and keep on being a ripple and making waves!

All existing OisF Riders, regardless of grade level, are eligible to apply. If you are not an existing Rider, learn more here and sign up today at no-cost.  

Recipient will be named at the 4th Annual OisF "Waves of Change" Fundraiser on June 20th, 2024.  Deadline to apply is June 1st.

Be a Ripple...Apply HERE.


Last year's recipient - and the inspiration for this award - was Carly Coble. Carly is not just a ripple, SHE IS A WAVE!  Carly embodies what it means to be an OisF Rider – she is kind, she is humble, she is a leader in her community and a role model to so many girls (and women).  Carly has been a member of The OisF community from the very start.  She has led Rider events, stuffed stockings for children living in safe homes, raised money for The OisF through the "For The Girls Surf Classic" - the all-girls surf competition she started on her own, and has become one of the most trusted surf instructors in our women’s surf therapy program.  The OisF thanks Carly for everything she has done for The OisF and her community!  

Be a Ripple...Apply HERE.


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